Macbeth Important Long Questions and Answers

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Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Q. Examine Macbeth as a Tragic Hero.

Tragedy of Macbeth is a story written by William Shakespeare about a man who is power hungry to become king. This story is called a tragedy, a tragedy is a type of story that doesn’t have a happy ending. A tragedy will end up with the protagonist dealing or making a great sacrifice. Shakespeare has made many tragedies such a Romeo and Juliet for example. In every Tragedy there must be a tragic hero and in this story it shows that Macbeth is the tragic hero, is a round character, and also a very dynamic character. A tragic hero is the protagonist of a tragedy. The tragedy of Macbeth tells a story about a man named Macbeth that wants to be king. Macbeth was a very twisted man and was power crazy he did everything to become king he even murdered innocents and whomever stood in his way. Macbeth was considered a tragic hero because Macbeth had many people follow him he also had a down flaw that led to his death but went down heroically. Macbeth’s great downfall that proved was a tragic hero was stated as, “I will not yield to kiss the ground before Malcolm’s feet and to be baited with the rabble ‘s curse” (5, 8, 28) this quote taken from the story explains that even though Malcom is trying to kill him Macbeth claims he won ‘t yield nor beg because Macbeth thinks he has won the fight. Macbeth had a very high social rank before he murdered king Duncan to start with even though he was a general for king Duncan to begin with. … (Read More)

Q. Analyse Banquo’s Character.

Banquo is a character in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and the ghost of Banquo is one of the most famous ghosts in English literature. Banquo is Macbeth’s riend and fellow military commander. At the beginning of Macbeth we see them together, fighting and defeating the rebels against the king, Duncan. Word of their victory reaches the camp where Duncan is waiting with his two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain. Macbeth and Banquo are his top officers and he is waiting to receive and honour them for their loyalty and their success in battle. … (Read More)

Q. Describe the Banquet Scene Briefly.

The Banquet scene in “Macbeth” is one of the most moving scenes; and as far as the tragedy of Macbeth is concerned, it is tremendous in its dramatic impact and intensity. This scene is simultaneously the high point of Macbeth’s reign and the beginning of his downfall. It records Macbeth’s guilty conscience taking the most horrible form in the shape of Banquo’s ghost. Macbeth’s bizarre behavior puzzles and disturbs his subjects, confirming their impression that he is mentally troubled. It also shows Macbeth’s gradual overcoming of the qualms of conscience. … (Read More)

Q. Evaluate Role and Functions of Lady Macbeth.

In William Shakespeare’s dramatic works, women are very influential characters who have a great affect on the outcome of the play. Characters like Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, Ophelia in Hamlet, Cleopatra in Antony and Cleopatra, Portia in The Merchant of Venice, and Hero in Much Ado About Nothing are all memorable and significant women in Shakespeare. Although a majority of these women play subordinate roles, their impact on their story is in no way small or trivial. Lady Macbeth is a prime example. She affects the outcome of Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, through her power, influence, and decline. Lady Macbeth’s power is a dominant characteristic seen throughout the play. … (Read More)

Q. Examine Supernatural Elements and their Importance.

Shakespeare has made frequent and free use of the supernatural powers in his dramas. The importance of supernatural agencies in the Shakespearean drama can hardly be exaggerated. Commenting upon the significance of the supernatural elements in the Shakespearean plays, Prof. A. Nicoll remarks’ “By this means, an otherwise sordid story of murder and revenge has been carried to higher level and assumes at once a peculiar significance of its own.” … (Read More)

Q. Describe the Sleepwalking Scene in Macbeth.

The sleepwalking scene is a critically celebrated scene from William Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth (1606). The first scene in the tragedy’s 5th act, the sleepwalking scene is written principally in prose, and follows the guilt-wracked, sleepwalking Lady Macbeth as she recollects horrific images and impressions from her past. The scene is Lady Macbeth’s last on-stage appearance, though her death is reported later in the act. Well known phrases from the scene include “Out, damned spot!” and “All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.” The British tragedienne Sarah Siddons (1755-1831) was distinguished for her performance and interpretation of the scene. … (Read More)

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